
Cardboard Carnage Characters


        Beaties began as a smalltown boy from a town of about three hundred. He discovered boxing at 13 and quickly proved himself prodigious. Utilizing a combination of quick striking and ranged attacks, Beaties quickly worked himself up the ranks of the Juniors being the first fighter to graduate into the WBA without a mark on his record. Though this isn’t Beaties true strength, this is his persona. Beaties perhaps better than any other WBA athlete personifies the concept of the superstar athlete, making regular television appearances, occasional movie cameos and even marketing his own line of cereal. Fans of the sport either hate the showmanship and see him as a corruption of what was once a gritty sport, while others find him refreshing and a breath of fresh air in an otherwise dulled market.

Litter Box

        Kitty Litter now in her third season is looking to make a splash, or rather a scratch… Known throughout the league for her cutting strikes and quickness Kitty for the first time in her career is allowed to use her claws, which our analysts belief could lead to a revival of her otherwise tumultuous career.

Box Cuttter

  Though he may be unfamiliar on the roster this is actually Box Cutter’s second debut in the WBA. His first experience in professional boxing. Hailing from Japan, Box Cutter was a naturally gifted boxer, even without the frame or the necessary strength he quickly made a name for himself in the JBA using his use of precision strikes either by way of his sword or shuriken. Box Cutter’s first debut was short lived as he went 0-5 in his first five bouts. Many believe this was due to the then league regulation against the use of arms. Now ten years later after the WBA has lifted weapon restrictions Box Cutter is returning from a successful career in the JBA to prove he can take on the world stage.

Jack In The Box

Jack In The Box entered the league in the same year as Strong Box, and after coming out to an early lead over his rival had his career briefly snuffed out by an overwhelming defeat by Smiles in his last season. In the aftermath of his defeat, Jack took two years off in order to refine his form, finally returning only to ultimately lukewarm results. Now a seasoned vet, Jack has seen his rival a box he’d once KO’d in three rounds standing atop the World Boxing Community and is eager to prove that he can do the same all these years later. 

Pizza Monster

Pizza Monster though not particularly a trendsetter was one of the first self promoters in the WBA. Marketing himself as the Pizza Monster he emerged into the world of professional boxing three years ago and although his record doesn’t necessitate success, he has developed a following nonetheless as fans find his bombastic and openly defiant actions more entertaining than intimidating. Though with the emergence of Beaties Pizza Monster has found his popularity slowly wane and this year he’s vowed to take the belt all for himself.


The world’s first five time WBA Champion. Smiles during his career was known largely for his pace, he was never a fast fighter by any means, in fact he often was the slowest in his class. Instead he was powerful and reckless, Smiles made a name for himself relatively early as a infighter and a heavy hitter. In his twenty year career Smiles fought in over 60 matches, winning all of them and getting Knock Outs in 33. Nowadays Smiles is a commentator for the WBA offering his expert insight and battle analysis as one might expect of a pro (warning: advice may be incoherent or otherwise incorrect, but is in no way a representation of the quality of analysis produced by the WBA) 

Strong Box

       The Four Time WBA champion, Strong Box is renown for his stalwart and stilted style of combat. This along with his impressive power has made him something of a favorite among the older generation of fans, as many compare his preference for infighting and powerful strikes to legendary infighter Smiles. Strong Box throughout his career has maintained a great degree of silence and separation from himself and the media, something that has put him at odds with the boxing community. To this day in the midst of his sixteenth season little is known of his actual background.

Box Turtle

           Box Turtle is rather notorious for his slow approach in combat and largely defensive style. This though ultimately making him one of the most successful and well-paid boxers in the league has ultimately led to a large degree of discontentment. Box Turtle’s style of a defensive slow-measured approach runs concurrent to the current trend emerging within the WBA for an accelerated more thrilling style of boxing. In this sense Box Turtle represents a counterculture and a archaic boxer who's returning for only his fifth season.

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